Published Sheet Music of Japanese "Anime song" "Pops" "Rock"
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 On Demand Version
On Demand Version
On Demand Version size: A4 210x297mm ring binding

Each on demand version is carefully bound once we have received the order from the customer.

Ordinarily, the standard version is published.
However, when the standard version is out of stock or out of print,
the sheet music is then sold as an on demand version.
By offering this service we have succeeded in making "out of stock" a thing of the past.

The on demand versions are larger and easier to read than the standard versions. Also, the ring binding means they remain open when laid flat.

The content is not different from a standard version.

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Product Details

Product ID 
L〜PS xxxx
Piano solo
(All the title -Same price.)
L〜PV xxxx
Piano & Vocal
(All the title -Same price.)
L〜BS xxxx
Band Score
(All the title -Same price.)
L〜GS xxxx
Guitar solo
(All the title -Same price.)
L〜GV xxxx
Guitar & Vocal
(All the title -Same price.)
[The price is the selling price in Japan. ]